Wild herbs are a delight with an unusually high mineral and vital substance content. Although the corresponding values of only a few wild herbs have been determined, but those that do exist show: Wild herbs leave cultivated vegetables far behind. Enjoy the alkaline wild herb soup and promote your well-being.
Look - Smell - Taste and Enjoy As a trained and certified TEH practitioner (Traditional European Herbal Medicine) I pass on ancient knowledge and the love and mindfulness of nature.
Das kleine Berghotel Familie Egartner Klebas 7, A-9653 Liesing / Lesachtal Tel. 0043 (0)4716 / 265 oder 0043 (0)664 64 15 633 e-mail: info@berghotel-lesachtal.at www.berghotel-lesachtal.at
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Das kleine Berghotel
Restaurant Guru • Recommended
You can try a variety of culinary delicacies from the pancake in addition to our menu! We would be happy if we could spoil you with a starter, main course or dessert.
Alpine Cuisine at
Pancake meets garden, forest and meadow Highlight from 29st Auhust to  7th September 2025
Pancake meets herbs at
„ Pancake meets garden, forest and meadow „  09. - 25. May 2025
Lesachtaler Wild Herb Weeks
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